Welcome to python-wepay’s documentation!

Python WePay SDK (third party)

Before using this package get yourself familiar with actual WePay API Documentation.

WePay is a great service, highly recommend it.


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Quickstart Guide

This package suppose to make it easier to construct and perform API calls in a more Pythonic way rather than building dictionary with parameters and simply sending it to WePay servers.

Just like with official SDK the core of this package is wepay.WePay class, which needs to be instantiated with a valid access_token and production arguments of your WePay Application, after which API calls can be made. All methods within WePay object mimic API calls from official Documentation in the way that normally would be expected, call names are directly mapped into functions with same names moreover all required parameters are passed to functions as args and optional ones as kwargs.

Methods that can perform calls on behalf of WePay User accept optional keyword argument access_token, which will then be used instead of the one wepay.WePay class was instantiated with. Methods that can be used in a /batch/create call also accept batch_mode keyword argument, which instead of making a call will force it to return a dictionary, that can be used later to perform a wepay.WePay.batch_create() call. Additionally each call accepts api_version and timeout keyword arguments, which specify a WePay API version and connection timeout respectively. An unrecognized keyword passed to those functions will produce a warning and an actuall error from WePay, if it is in fact an unrecognized parameter.

Quick Example

>>> WEPAY_CLIENT_ID = 123456
>>> WEPAY_CLIENT_SECRET = '1a2b3c4e5f'
>>> WEPAY_DEFAULT_SCOPE = "manage_accounts,collect_payments,view_balance,view_user,preapprove_payments,send_money"
>>> REDIRECT_URI = 'https://example.com/user/wepay/redirect'
>>> api = WePay(production=False, access_token=WEPAY_ACCESS_TOKEN)
{u'status': u'approved', u'theme_object': .....}
>>> redirect_uri = api.oauth2.authorize(WEPAY_CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URI, WEPAY_DEFAULT_SCOPE, user_email="user@example.com")
>>> redirect_uri
>>> # Get the 'code' from url... (for detailed instructions on how to do it follow WePay documentation)
>>> response = api.oauth2.token(WEPAY_CLIENT_ID, redirect_uri, WEPAY_CLIENT_SECRET, '8c3e4aca23e1ed7.....', callback_uri='https://example.com/wepay/ipn/user')
>>> response
{u'access_token': u'STAGE_f87....', u'token_type': u'BEARER', u'user_id': 87654321}
>>> access_token = response['access_token']
>>> api.account.create("Test Account", "Account will be used to make a lot of money", access_token=access_token)
{u'account_id': 1371765417, u'account_uri': u'https://stage.wepay.com/account/1371765417'}
>>> api.checkout.create(1371765417, "Short description.....

Error Handling

Whenever you perform an API call and it results in an error, the are two possible causes:

  • either there is a problem connecting to a WePay server (internet connection is down, WePay server is down, request times out, ssl validation failed, etc.) in which case a call will raise WePayConnectionError. If the cause is timeout, consider increasing timeout value during WePay initialization or on per call basis, in particular for batch.create() call, since it can take a while for WePay to process up to 50 batched calls in one request.
  • or there is a problem processing the actual call due to a WePay documented reason or for some other unknown reason, like an implemetation error on WePay side or a malformed response for instance. In this case either WePayServerError or WePayClientError will be raised.

So far, I’ve noticed that WePayServerError's happen due to incorect usage of API (ex. unrecognized api call) or a problem with WePay, while WePayClientError's can happen anytime, for instance in case of a credit card decline. I would recommend handling them in a separate way, but you can also simply catch WePayHTTPError and handle it depending on error_code and status_code. Above mentioned exceptions also give you access to the actual HTTP Error: http_error which will carry a response body inside, hence can give some more information on the nature of the error. If you really don’t care about response body or HTTP status code, it is possible to just catch WePayError, which carries only information documented by WePay.

Also note, that depending on the library used for making calls, different types of errors will be contained in http_error and error. Refer to their documentation to find detailed information: requests or urllib

So here is an example:

from wepay import WePay
from wepay.exceptions import WePayClientError, WePayServerError, WePayConnectionError

def new_preapproval_uri(account_id, access_token):
    api = WePay(production=True, access_token=access_token, silent=True)
        response = api.preapproval.create("Good samaritan donation", 'monthly',
                                          account_id=account_id, amount=50.00)
        return response['preapproval_uri']
    except WePayClientError as exc:
        if exc.error_code == 5002:
            print "You have no permission to do that."
    except WePayServerError as exc:
        print "Oh oh, something went wrong, please contact api@wepay.com"
    except WePayConnectionError as exc:
        print "There was a problem connecting to WePay, please try again later."

So now you could use this function to create a checkout and send a user to the url to supply payment information.

>>> from myapp.settings import WEPAY_ACCOUNT_ID, WEPAY_ACCESS_TOKEN
>>> preapproval_uri = new_preapproval_uri(WEPAY_ACCOUNT_ID, WEPAY_ACCESS_TOKEN)
>>> if preapproval_uri:
>>>     # send user to this uri to finish preapproval creation process.

Customizing SDK

Let’s say you would like default values provided right away, or customize calls in some other handy way. For example you would like to supply some default values related specifically to your application and turn off objects you will never use:

from wepay import WePay, calls
from wepay.utils import cached_property


class App(calls.App):

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        return super(App, self).__call__(WEPAY_CLIENT_ID, WEPAY_CLIENT_SECRET, **kwargs)

    def modify(self, **kwargs):
        return super(App, self).modify(WEPAY_CLIENT_ID, WEPAY_CLIENT_SECRET, **kwargs)

class User(calls.User):

    def register(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return super(User, self).register(
            WEPAY_CLIENT_ID, WEPAY_CLIENT_SECRET, *args, **kwargs)

class Batch(calls.Batch):

    def create(self, calls, **kwargs):
        return super(Batch, self).create(
            WEPAY_CLIENT_ID, WEPAY_CLIENT_SECRET, calls, **kwargs)

class MyWePay(WePay):
    credit_card = None
    subscription_plan = None
    subscription = None
    subscription_charge = None

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         kwargs.setdefault('production', WEPAY_PRODUCTION)
         kwargs.setdefault('timeout', 45)
         kwargs.setdefault('access_token', WEPAY_ACCESS_TOKEN)
         kwargs['silent'] = True
         super(MyWePay, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def app(self):
        return App(self)

    def user(self):
        return User(self)

    def batch(self):
        return Batch(self)

This will effectively supply all of your WePay Application related info, for all of the calls you are planning on using, since other objects don’t rely on client_id or client_secret, with an exception of App level Preapprovals, of course. cached_property decorator alows lazy call initialization and, although you could use a regular property decorator, cached_property is more efficient, since it initializes a call object only once per WePay instance, instead of every time a call is performed.

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